Biden Administration Sued By Energy Groups for Recent Decisions on Energy

Joe Biden is the one to blame for our energy crisis. Under President Trump, the US was an energy-independent powerhouse. 

But with one swift stroke of Biden’s pen, that has all been thrown away. We are again faced with a looming dark cloud of energy reliance on foreign nations. 

Energy Groups Sue Biden Administration

Two big energy groups filed a lawsuit against the administration. Namely, they are:

  • The Western Energy Alliance
  • The Petroleum Association of Wyoming 

It alleges that the Biden administration has failed to comply with federal law, which requires them to auction off the land for oil and gas drilling periodically.

The groups criticized the administration for signaling in November that it won’t hold any onshore sales until mid-2023. It violates the Mineral Leasing Act… which requires quarterly onshore oil and gas lease sales.

The DOI held its first onshore oil and gas lease sales throughout several western states in June… including one in Wyoming, after failing to have any such sales over its first 18 months. 

Kathleen Sgamma, the president of the Western Energy Alliance, shared her thoughts. She said, “The Mineral Leasing Act is clear. The Interior Secretary must hold at least quarterly lease sales in every state where there is interest… as reflected by nominations.”

She added, “Oil and natural gas companies have nominated millions of acres in Wyoming… and across the West that has yet to be offered for sale. Not only has this administration held only one set of lease sales in its first two years… but it has now signaled that there will be no sales until the second quarter of 2023, a full year later. Once a year does not equal ‘quarterly.'”

In two years of office, the Biden administration has leased 71,251 acres of public land for oil and gas drilling. This was far less than the previous administrations. 

Republican lawmakers have argued such leases are vital to ensuring US energy independence. In contrast, energy groups have slammed  Biden for seemingly prioritizing international oil production over domestic production…

Biden Slammed for Sending South Africa $8 Billion to Shut Down Coal Plants

Biden announced that the US would donate $8 billion to help other countries with their energy. Specifically, it assists South Africa in transitioning its coal and renewable energy sources.

The demo-rat declared the announcement at the US-Africa Leaders Summit. He said, “Today’s announcement joined a portfolio of Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment projects already underway in Africa. Including mobilizing $8 billion in public and private finance to help South Africa replace coal-fired power plants with renewable energy sources.”

Biden added, “[We would also] develop cutting-edge energy solutions like clean hydrogen, a deal worth $2 billion to build solar energy projects in Angola, $600 million high-speed communications cables that will connect Southeast Asia to Europe via Egypt and the Horn of Africa and help bring high-speed internet connectivity to countries all along the way.”

This announcement has been met with criticism from many on Twitter. They argue that the money would be better spent elsewhere.

Commentators across Twitter expressed outrage about the energy funding to South Africa.

Rep. Warren Davidson wrote, “Just like student debt transfers,  Joe Biden doesn’t have the authority to deliver on his foolish promise. He also doesn’t have a clue… #FireJoeBiden.”

How can Biden reach into our pockets and give our money to anyone he chooses for any reason?  America has to borrow money or raise the debt ceiling to keep the government running… but it always has money for others.

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  1. […] are voicing growing demands for the impeachment of President Biden. These calls come in the wake of the recent release of an FBI document. The findings detail […]

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